Shop through a wide selection of Power & Hand Tools at Free shipping and free returns on Prime. Spell Candles (40 Candles) - One Shipping Charge. Overall, if you know what provides the spell just go fight it. Atm I am about half done updating all the spell information before going back to put some obtainment options in.
— Vaarsuvius, It seems that many who possess great magical, mental, or otherwise mystical might are also in the worst of shape. They may be sickly, horribly ill, or just physically weak and puny; in general, people who have reality-bending powers seem to suffer for it in other areas.
There are usually reasons. Powerful may suffer from this, as they can do anything with their minds — for what do they need their bodies?
It may also be the result of a magical experiencing the declining health that comes with age. Alternatively, physical health can sometimes be traded for magical power, be it through a or the use of. Or it may be more mundane: rather than go outside or exercise, the magicians spent all their time studying spells, and are thus very weak physically note As well as usually very far from being good at weapon usage. From a POV, it's about. Without their physical weakness there often wouldn't be any reason not to use them. In terms of characterization, this trope creates a duality and contrast with the.
Since Squishy Wizards, they are also contrasted by, a form of Squishy Wizard who focuses on to stand in for their frail defense instead. Squishy Wizards, because of their fragility, are often paired up with fighters in a ensemble or part of a full-blown adventuring party. In addition in combination with the concept of, this was one of the biggest contributors to the standard party formation as seen in many — because characters that can nuke the hell out of the opposition and heal allies are usually the squishiest members of the party. The, who can withstand aggro and keep it off the others, was created to keep these squishy party members alive during those big battles.
Even when applies, the wizards are usually just quadratic in offense, not defense. This trope is distinct from, in that the power in question is not necessarily making up for the disability; rather, this trope refers to the lack of physical prowess that tends to accompany mystical powers. In game mechanic terms, the Squishy Wizard is usually a, being able to dole out big hurt but generally dying if a tough monster looks at it funny.
Although Squishy Wizard is sometimes not completely. They can have decent, or even good magical defense, to tank out other wizard (or a monster)'s spell, but a single punch and they're down already. It should be noted that not every wizard is squishy.
Contrast, who are strong physically but weak with magic, and, and sometimes when mages are capable of holding their own without magic. Compare, and, and.
Corollary to.:. It is explained that mages can infuse their bodies with magical power, converting it into physical strength. However, this requires a great deal of control, and it seems only well-trained mages can do this and even then, the standard mages will get destroyed by purely physical fighters. This is why they usually form pactio with fighters to protect them while they stay in the back line.
It was originally presented as a trade-off, in that focusing on self-enhancement and physical training comes at the cost of improving magical versatility and maximum power yield, so that you're safer and more self-reliant, but there's a greater number of things you simply aren't equipped to handle. Negi defeats martial arts masters in a single punch because he uses combat magic, but this prowess only come after he goes and starts seriously training in martial arts like a straight up warrior would. His unwillingness to depend on others has directly led both to his increased dependence on his students for noncombat support and most of his -related problems. Evangeline notes that beyond a certain level of power, the and become indistinguishable due to the sheer amount of power a mage is then capable of channeling. None of the high-level mages in the story have problems with close-ranged combat. The squishiness was why Kotarō initially despised western mages.
He started respecting Negi after he proved not-so-squishy. Princess Amelia of is a well-rounded sorceress. She can utilize an effective balance of and Shamanistic Magic. However, she's usually the one that gets tossed around the most: there's when the low-ranking demon Seigram nearly kills her with a toss into a cliff wall in the second season of the anime/seventh book, and another demon breaks several bones in her body in the sixth book/fifth anime season. She also doesn't wield a weapon, which puts her at a disadvantage depending on the situation.
Surprisingly, Lina, a far more powerful sorceress, is less 'squishy.' , early in the series she is capable of actually matching an average swordsman, its just that people who are in her team or people they are fighting are usually either highly skilled mercenaries or very powerful high class demons that it is impossible for her level of sword skills or simply immune to physical attacks, but when her magic is sealed during the plot, she continued to show she know more than a thing or two in swordsmanship.:. Lelouch has a and an excellent sense of strategy but is one of the weaker cast members. This is usually played for comedy.
In one example, during the school festival in R2, he was outrun by Suzaku, Shirley, Kallen in a walrus mascot suit, and even Milly, During actual combat however, while his strategies can make or break battles, his combat abilities are subpar, and will usually lose in a one-on-one fight. Meanwhile in the: Lelouch of the Rebellion manga, Euphie is given this treatment, and shown to be unable to kick a soccer ball more than a few feet. This despite being a member of the Britannian Royal Family, and thus guaranteed to be at least somewhat intelligent and good with plans (she was able to 'defeat' Lelouch, as he himself admitted, when it came to the SAZ), as well as being baby sis. Though not strictly a magician but rather a reality warper, Rod Kanelot has displayed very few physical feats especially compared to her superhuman Noah brothers. Her most impressive one being probably saltoing from flying umbrella and landing back on it which is a pretty common feat compared to most fighters of the series. However this is hardly an issue since her physical body is not really hers and damaging it is completely useless meaning that in spite of having the most terrifying abilities she is also pretty much invunerable.
Suoer-power lottery much?. In one of the additional OVA-episodes of, the title character meets an ill (cancer, as it seems) girl called Nozomi, who believes in witches and that a witch's magic can only be strong, when her body is weak. Nozomi is discovered by the Ojamajos to be the ideal choice for becoming a witch-apprentice, since she seems already to be able to use magic to certain extent, even without using magic equipment or even a tap. However, Nozomi dies from her disease, before the girls are able to introduce her to the queen.:.
Hayate Yagami is a Squishy Wizard in a team comprised mostly of., her main repertoire is a vast array of powerful spells that,. At melee range, she's helpless and needs somebody else, usually her, to keep the more troublesome enemies away from her. It was explained in the that she never learned any magic the way Nanoha and Fate did. Instead, the power and spell knowledge came from her Linker Core merging with the original Reinforce's, so it is entirely possible that she simply doesn't have any spells weaker than a tactical nuclear device.
Seeing how she rarely gets a chance to practice her even those (each is accompanied by mandatory authorization by TSAB and advance evacuation orders, no kidding), she also needs to aim them for her. This is odd considering that Rein Eins not only had the to everything thrown at her, but spells like show that she can fight effectively at the anti-personnel level. One is free to doubt the canonicity of supplementary games, but The Battle of Aces shows that Hayate can handle herself quite well in melee. Either she is in StrikerS or the game developers saw a need to prevent her from becoming a like in. This is explained by The Battle of Aces being an to the main Nanoha Universe in which Ein is still alive and is around to teach Hayate how to use magic properly. BOA!Hayate already knows flight control in a few days after the main conflict of A's while Main!Hayate takes months being taught by Nanoha and Fate in the Sound Stage. Explicitly pointed out in the case of Summoners, like Caro or Corona.
The latter of which, in a 1-on-1 tournament, decided to rectify this issue by using her golem-manipulation magic on her own body, allowing her to copy the physical fighting techniques of close-combat mages despite not actually knowing said techniques. This almost works (her opponent is taken by surprise and she gets a few good hits in), but the copied techniques are all very predictable, and her opponent learns to dodge them and still knocks her out. In, the magically strongest senshi, Saturn and Moon, are both rather unimpressive physically. Mercury as well, being the support 'caster' of the bunch.:. Accelerator, winner of the, is able to take down an army untouched because he's literally untouchable and can make huge explosions by essentially stomping his feet. Unfortunately, Touma can hit him, and he has absolutely no physical training which means that a guy that could survive a nuke gets taken down in a street fight.
Actually, Except divine powers. Which he actually could cancel out, but still. Played with in the side series where a number of espers are shown to actually be decent at physical combat. The of the last arc, however, uses an esper-crippling and then beats them with superior physical strength. Who wins the day?. Misaki Shokuhou is the fifth level 5 in the city, Mental Out, with telepathy and mind control so strong she can casually take control of an entire library full of mid level espers.
Unfortunately for her, she uses this power to skip PE and make people fetch things for her. Shokuhou: gasping for breath Don't start running with all your might.
Mikoto: I thought I was only jogging. Fiamma of the Right has the power of and fire manipulation, but he's a scrawny wimp who goes down in one punch. Good luck getting close enough to hit him though. The Graviton Bomber was a bullied geek who gains the power to make explosions and decides to get revenge on everyone, even people who didn't do anything to him, by blowing them up. Mikoto, a 14 year old girl, to prove a point about powers not being the only thing that matters, floors him with a single punch.:. While not Wizards in the traditional sense, the have this problem as they rely exclusively on their puppets to protect them and have no close combat skills whatsoever (with the exception of, who was able to put up a fight against Naruto and his clone when she mistook them as enemies).
Nagato/the real Pain also qualifies relying on his six extra bodies which he can control from a distance, but only has one way to defend himself at close range ( impaling someone with one of his and ) and can't move around easily — although it's not because of frailty from focusing on non-physical abilities, but a crippling battle wound. Gaara, as he is very adept at jutsu (and makes heavy use of ), but almost never uses Taijutsu. (His stats confirm this trope.) However, the trope is subverted in that he does carry a large jar filled with sand on his back. While she has near god-like power, she has little to no physical abilities and relies on her raw abilities.:.
Nico Robin is squishy compared to the freaks of nature that inhabit Grand Line. If you manage to get past her long-range power you have a good chance at victory. As a result, once the enemy gets in position to give her direct blows, she's screwed. Nami also fits, especially the wizard part, what with her Clima-Tact's ability to create mirages, rain, and lightning. Caesar Clown. Despite (or, perhaps more accurately, because of) his logia abilities, he's downright useless in a fight without them.
That's why he relies on the fame of his far more powerful benefactors, because he's a weakling by New World standards and he damn well knows it. Sugar fit the part too; her powers were incredibly lethal, able to transform and enslave someone with simply a touch, making it hard to get close to her. (Even Robin, as mentioned above, was only able to hold her for a few seconds before succumbing.) Sugar herself, however, was rather fragile; the whole plan to take her out revolved around tricking her into eating a spicy berry and hoping she'd pass out. It didn't work, but scaring her with a did the job.
from is a classic. He's a, and fan, with standard attacks that do more than anything this side of, The, or The 's finals, but a single pistol-whip can put him out of action. Of course that's after getting through the barriers, the armies of giant bugs, and. Hohenheim in has truly amazing (literally godlike) alchemical powers, but in terms of athletics, is exactly the geeky he looks like. This is kind of surprising when revealed, given that nearly every other character is a good fighter or at least fairly athletic, and alchemists tend to be more of the persuasion.
In Hohenheim's case, though, he makes up for lack in athleticism by being able to regenerate, likely from as the homonculi can. example in Delphine Eraclea from.
She's developed some incredible brainwashing technology to control anyone she wants, but, she's very weak physically. Especially with her inability to stop Alex from choking her to death with one arm.
Played straight in, the few cases we see of magic tends to not be directed towards combat. The one time a magician tried to fight was fighting Piccolo, and Piccolo quickly (though it was a bit longer in the anime). Later, Buu easily kills Babidi by gagging him so he couldn't use any spells. Whilst most of the cast are either or, a handful of characters play this straight. Levy and Bixlow are both pretty weak if you can get past their magic (and if you have your eyes closed in Bixlow's case). Wendy and Lucy near the beginning were also pretty helpless if their Magic was overcome, though Wendy got by this by training and emulating Natsu's fighting style more and Lucy eventually figured out how to.
This is early on, when some mercenaries mention that most mages neglect to keep their bodies in shape while they study magic. They must not have met many. of is a powerful mage that can't take much damage, so she requires the help of her Saito, the. Sniper from fits the trope perfectly. His power gives him an, making him virtually unstoppable at a distance, even against monstrously powerful enemies.
However, once that distance is closed he's completely helpless. Rundelhaus Cord is this in.
In his early adventures into a dungeon with a group, he attracts too many enemies, and fails to let the tank gain aggro to focus the monsters on him instead of the former, forcing them to run away repeatedly. It's only after Minori put her foot down and they all discussed their abilities with each other that they finally start working as a team and manage to finish the dungeon. In the witches we've seen so far don't seem any tougher than normal humans. Made most obvious when Chisato goes for Valkyria, suggesting that even she who is the still doesn't have the to be. A major factor of Stand users in after Part 3.
Yes, stands are powerful, come in many flavors and a representation of a persons fighting spirit. However many of the users are fairly weak physically and likely to go down easily once one finds a way around their powers. The and (Dio Brando and Vanilla Ice) are an exception: even without their Stands they are still superhumanly powerful vampires. Played with in, where physical training actually allows magicians to gain MORE magic power, because when their bodies are stronger, it allows them to handle the strain casting spells puts on them. Pretty much every magician can hold their own against physical fighters as well because borg, which is a that can only be broken by magic or metal vessels, is perhaps the most basic spell available. has the young witch Schierke.
While her magic spells make her even more effective in some situations than Guts, said spells generally take a lot of time to cast and while she's casting them she's completely helpless. And without her magic she's just a twelve-year-old girl with a staff, not at all suited for physical combat. Parodied with in. She knows one spell, which hits with the force of a small nuclear bomb, but casting it leaves her unable to move for several hours. Ironically, her being a small, teenage girl probably helps, because it makes it easier for her teammates to carry her to safety.
Professor Xavier of the, the most powerful telepath on the planet, can go anywhere and into anyone's mind. But not up the. is an omega-level mutant with telekinesis and telepathy that are practically reality-warping and she's curb-stomped before, but in a pure melee she gets dropped fairly often including an absolutely vicious from her uncle Vulcan after he ambushed her.:. is a downplayed example; most depictions have him as a weak fighter. In comparison to Thor. He does have super-strength and endurance, which added to his magic make him a very powerful opponent.
is in the same boat. She's got a lot of magical power at her command but has no combat skills and has been beaten by other Asgardians easily. Compared to human beings she can take hits and barely feel them.
This led to a rather amusing incident in, when, having previously easily defeated Dazzler, Unfortunately for her, that mortal woman was. Oracle from the and books is frequently regarded as one by the few who see her due to her paraplegia and the fact that she concentrates on the mission control/ side of things.
Those mooks who get in range of her clubs find out differently, usually the hard way (although compared to the she is not that dangerous). This is perhaps to be expected, given that before she was shot and paralyzed, Oracle was. Marvel's first Star Thief represents the extreme end of this. He's permanently paralyzed and insensate, none of his five senses work.
Due to this, however, he gained the ability to use his dormant psychic powers to the full. First he learned to sense through other people; then, he gained the power to vanish stars. The heavily manga-influenced indie comic stretches this trope to its literal extremes with sorceress/scientist Countessa Tesryon, a succubus (closer to an energy-vampire in this series) whose insides are described as being gel — like that of a spider. This has the effect of making her both physically durable (though still weak) and, to quote artist and writer Jason Robinson, 'extra squishy'. from can do anything with her spells, as long as she's able to say them. One hit to the throat or gut and she's out of the fight. A fact that uses to his advantage in the storyline Trust.
He shoots Zatanna in the throat and dumps her into a glass casket full of water, while he's got Batman trapped in a chair, helpless to watch as she dies. Turns out she's not so helpless when hit in the throat. She heals herself and escapes by writing the required spells on the side of the casket with her own blood.
Zatanna has been shown exploring other ways of charmcasting, owing to her heritage as a bona fide sorceress. However, she has always returned to logomancy. Billy/Wiccan from. He's a magic-using who can deal out some serious damage, but, like Zatanna, a good hit to the throat can usually take him out of a fight. He is capable of silently casting big spells, but it almost always happens when under duress and tends to have unpredictable results such as accidentally putting everyone in Times Square into temporary magical comas. He's gotten better at using his powers properly without outright needing to speak, but ultimately he's still physically an ordinary teenager with no extra durability.: While he's not terribly squishy. John Constantine is notoriously bad at fistfights, somewhat depending on the writer, losing almost any even fight with a common punk.
All that smoking doesn't help his Constitution score. If you can prevent her from summoning the Staff of One, she's powerless (although she has been seen using the odd spell without it). Then again, considering that drawing blood is what summons the staff, engaging her in combat still might not be a good idea.
Mezmerella from. Her hypnotic abilities are impressively powerful and actually have a effect on Dash, but the moment her power-channeling goggles are broken, it doesn't take much to bring her down. The often received this treatment in, being taken out of battles almost immediately so that her hex powers wouldn't end things too quickly. The Molecule Man, at least until he discovers his full potential. For example, in the he is able to drop an entire mountain range that dwarfs the Appalachians on the heroes but is dropped by a single stab from who had spent most of the series to this point getting swatted around by lesser villains.
is a, but he's also a physically-ordinary human being, so compared to heroes with super-strength or unbreakable skin, he's pretty darn squishy. As with Wiccan and the Scarlet Witch, he's prone to being laid out early by a blow a superhuman could shrug off, just to preserve the drama.: Ixis Naugus wields such powerful magical abilities as and, but is such a lousy physical fighter that Bunnie Rabbot was able to knock him out with one punch. In, Doctor Faust proves to be this, concentrating so heavily on his magical skill that he has no defensive abilities whatsoever outside of those, and goes down in a single. Miksja from Lil i Put. While she's a very powerful wizard she needs a moment to concentrate. When caught off guard, her only option is to run. has Kei Kawade, aka Kid Kaiju.
He has with the power to summon monsters that can level cities with ease and take on threats that are powerful enough to literally the. But he himself is still just an eleven-year old kid, meaning that it's very easy to get to him once his monsters are out of the picture. In the, most witches are easily taken out if their magic is neutralized, helping those who are targeted by them to survive.
This is well known enough that in one occasion Donald decided to just beat up Magica. In trilogy and, Gandalf's portrayal subverts this; he often comes across as physically feeble due to his age, but he's a rugged wanderer who can hold his own in battle and travel long distances on both horseback and foot. Indeed, he kicks serious ass with both his staff and his sword, to the point where except against another supernatural being. This is of course mostly because the Wizards of Middle-earth aren't actually humans, but Maiar (the setting's equivalent to angels and demons). This subversion applies to the other Wizards too; Saruman isn't quite the swordmaster that Gandalf is, but he can still take a beating if his duel with Gandalf is any indication, while Radagast is able to fight off the Witch-King by just whacking him with his staff. Considering how easy it is for Rogar to kill him, Ambrose in definitely qualifies. Alaya, the wizard in.
When Tara, her player, asks the why Alaya keeps he replies, 'You're the party's wizard. It's kind of your job.' . Subverted in. For the most part the Warlock indeed relies on his eldritch powers and avoids physical confrontation. In the climax challenges him to take the final pages of the from him by force alone, without magic. The Warlock agrees and it looks like a typical when the hero plays on the villain's hubris to even the scale, but the Warlock holds his own pretty well in a fight and it's Redferne who has to resort to means to stop the Warlock from kicking his ass.
Jane, of is implied to be this. In Alice's vision, she shows no apparent ability to fight or run as fast as any other vampire, unlike her brother.
When her torture ability is disabled by Bella and she is approached by Alice, she becomes very fearful and tries to run away. Unfortunately, she is choked by Alice and subsequently killed by Sam.
Subverted by the Jedi Knights of, who undergo in order to complement their mental mastery with physical discipline. The places Jedi Consulars (and their — Sith Sorcerers) as this, but only by comparison. Consulars are primarily diplomats and healers, relying on their diplomacy training to prevent a fight, and heavy usage of Force powers instead of lightsaber combat if diplomacy fails. As a result, Consulars usually fall back on the simpler or defensive styles of lightsaber combat (Form 1, Form 3) and are vulnerable to the styles that require physical strength. Sith Sorcerers are often physically corrupted or weakened by their use of Dark Side experiments, but unleash insane amounts of power at anything that threatens them.or just mildly annoys them.:. Grey Star, the protagonist of the 4-book spin-off World of Lone Wolf, exemplifies this, especially compared to the extremely badass Psychic Knight of the main series.
Although Grey Star gets the same basic stat rolls as Lone Wolf, he receives none of the healing powers, combat-enhancing disciplines, or special items, and is heavily penalized if he ever has to fight bare-handed or with a weapon other than his magic staff. Sure, he can use his magic to multiply the damage inflicted by the staff — but this cost precious that are put to much better use casting spells.
The best strategy to win those gamebooks is certainly to avoid combats like the plague — and in fact, Books 2, 3 and 4 can all be finished without any fights if you're lucky (not so much with Book 1, though). Banedon too, in the Magnamund Companion adventure featuring him.
He's a bit more adept with weapons than Grey Star, but the few opponents he can fight hand-to-hand are tough, even with the spell 'Vigour'. In Shadow on the Sand, his Journeyman magic sure lay waste on enemies, but when forced in close combat against a Drakkar he's severely wounded and would be dead without Lone Wolf. Carr Delling, protagonist of the Kingdom of Sorcery trilogy, starts as a fairly athletic young novice. By the time the of the series begins, he's a prematurely-aged powerful wizard crippled by a teleportation freak accident.
In the series, most people who are professional wizards are squishy. Justified because it's mostly a desk job. On the other hand, the protagonist, Ward, has some magical skill of his own and he is a and not at all frail. Then there is Oreg, who is a powerful mage, but also a kind-of ghost, and has the body of a 17-year old boy and can shapechange into a dragon after he is freed. While most of 's mages are skilled in combat as well as weaponry, in the fourth book, the villain Blaise relies on his seven foot bodyguard for protection. Raistlin from the -derived Saga, who traded his health for magical power, resulting in a chronic, racking cough.
Another mage is introduced who was also forced to sacrifice his great athletic prowess for his magic. This is a for Dragonlance wizards: they're basically a religious order, and their gods forbid them from doing any more weapons training than is necessary for self-defense, so they can better concentrate on their magic. Wizards in the novels tend to be unhealthy in a different way: most of them are (a 'light snack' at can run to several courses) and unlike many examples of that trope they do become hugely overweight. Exceptions include the Mustrum Ridcully, the current Archchancellor (an enthusiastic hunter, angler and martial artist, and a firm believer in healthy exercise, resulting in a and who once went two rounds bare knuckle boxing with Detritus, a troll considered badass by troll standards), Rincewind and the Bursar (both of whom fit the 'frail and emaciated' version of the trope, although Rincewind is capable of a fair turn of speed, perhaps making up for his total lack of magical ability), and the Librarian (who will squish you if you get on his bad side). Ponder Stibbons, meanwhile, went from plump to skinny, and has a classic, meaning that he's a different kind of squishy. Vividly demonstrated in: Trymon, the novel's is possessed by the, has read the most powerful book of magic around and is a pretty potent wizard in his own right.
He is beaten up in hand-to-hand combat by Rincewind!. The trope is mostly averted overall though, indeed, before Ridcully, leading to a tendency amongst wizards to be quite tough — while they were still quite large, for the most part, they tended to be sharp as a tack. Squishiness is preferred, since everyone remembers on some level what happened the last time(s) wizards decided that they preferred power to the buffet table. Grass didn't grow in certain places, and if it did, it grew in some very disturbing shapes and forms.
However, it is also noted in, that despite the fact that the Wizards (Ridcully excepted) seem to be large, fluffy and harmless creatures quite divorced from reality, they can quite easily force their way through a large crowd of borderline football hooligans at a street football match. Averted with the witches, who rarely use magic — they live just the same life as everyone else, which in the places where witches tend to live is a very hard life with lots of physical work. Justified in the books: maintaining your skills as a magic-user is a full-time job. Maintaining your skills as a fighter is a full-time job. Yes, there are people who do both, but they do so by giving up any pretense to having a life outside their skills, and usually giving up on getting a good night's sleep as well. This is off and on in later books, especially By the Sword — Mercenary Captain Kerowyn has to explain to magic-wary Valdemarans that magic is not all powerful and that mages go splat just as easily as anyone else; perhaps more.
On the other hand, while few mages learn professional-level fighting skills, quite a few of them still maintain high degrees of physical fitness. Then again, the fact that in the Valdemar books manipulating high amounts of mana is work equivalent to heavy manual labor helps explain why there are so few fat, out-of-shape wizards. Of the various magic-using protagonists in the series, Kethry of the 'Vows and Honor' trilogy is the best example of a Squishy Wizard — and even she gets around it most of the time thanks to an that can take control of her body to confer upon her the skills of a master swordsman.:. Voldemort is described as being very tall, thin, and bony, with chalk-white skin and spidery hands. Harry could use a little meat on his bones too in the book, having been described as rather thin, though this due to being rather underfed being raised by his aunt and uncle. By, he's revealed to be quite athletic-looking once he though could also be at play. By, he starts shooting up and getting more lean than skinny.
Justified in that after living at Hogwarts he's properly fed healthy full meals ans gets involved with sports (Quidditch), which would lead to a more muscular figure. In, Neville gets himself mocked by a whole group of Death Eaters for his pathetic skills with magic. A second later and he proceeds to tackle one of them to the ground and display the use of a wand by stabbing it into the. The others seem somewhat shocked by, giving Harry a chance to act.
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